Friday, 29 March 2013

8 Tips for Healthily Enjoying the Easter Long Weekend

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own 

 Everybody loves a long weekend! Its time to relax, to catch up with friends and family, and over the Easter break, its time to eat chocolate! So how do we find the balance between living it up and staying true to our health? Here are some great tips

  1. Plan

When it comes to making sure that we don’t go overboard the best tip possible is to plan and be organised.
-         Shop in advance so you have good food in the fridge
-         If you’re short on time, chop and prepare food in advance
-         Have plenty of healthy snack options at the ready, if you have good food on hand you're less likely to choose a lesser option
-         Schedule your workouts around the gatherings with your family and friends so you don’t miss out
  1. Eat well ‘the rest of the time’

While social occasions will inevitably change our daily routine, you can maintain control by being organised and making sure you eat well the rest of the weekend. You’re going to dinner tonight at a friend’s house and you know it isn’t going to be something you would normally eat, that’s fine. Simply make sure that you eat your normal breakfast, lunch and snacks.

  1. Portion control

This one can be a killer. It sounds so easy but boy can it be hard.

The key to portion control is to always making sure you never arrive anywhere ravenous. If you’re really worried or you’re trying to loose weight, eat a small healthy snack about an hour and a half before you go out so you’re comfortable when you arrive.

Don't snack while you're preparing food. Its easy to lose track of how many spoonfuls of cake mix, or dip you're eaten if you're eating it as you go! Wait until the food is finished and then you can say 'i've had one serve of dessert'

If possible, try choosing a serving slightly smaller than what you think you’d like. Not so small that you’ll have to go back for more mind you, just a touch smaller so that you’ve eaten enough, there’s no point going back for seconds.

If you have left over food that you wouldnt normally eat, give it away. Send people home with food parcels, or drop left over dessert over to a friend who can enjoy it. If it isn't in your home, you can't eat it!

  1. Choose healthier options

Even when eating out you have the option of choosing healthier options. For example, you could order grilled chicken or fish, and the salad or vegetables. If you’re cooking, see my post on Healthy Chocolate Easter desserts for some delicious options,

  1. Incorporate activity into your weekend

If you’re spending time with the kids, or with friends and family, why not make it active time? A picnic in the park followed by a game of soccer, or hike to the picnic ground. Take the family to the beach, hire a tennis court, go to the zoo and walk around all day, the choices are endless. Short on a few groceries? Why not walk to the shops? Or park a block away?

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Women often get loaded with a lot of the responsibility for making these fabulous holidays so great. There are some fabulous men out there too; I’m not saying there isn’t. If you’re struggling to fit everything in, ask for some assistance. Take a moment to sit and eat something healthy and energising, take an hour to go for a walk. If you don’t have time to fit you in, you don’t have time for anything else.

  1. Do something you enjoy

Between all the organising, entertaining and catching up it can be easy to let the pressure get to you. Relax, and take some time out to do something you enjoy. Make the suggestion to others too, and let them join you in your element.

  1. Enjoy it and be grateful, let the guilt go. 

 “Don't wreck a sublime chocolate experience by feeling guilty.
Chocolate isn't like premarital sex. It will not make you pregnant.
And it always feels good.”
Lora Brody

Don’t stress too much about the occasional blow out in your diet. Be grateful that you were able to enjoy such delicious food and that you have the choice to eat better food tomorrow! Enjoy the time with your loved ones without the stress and pressure of watching the calories pile up.

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