Friday, 15 March 2013

Thoughts on my first week as a health blogger

My birthday dinner, Khao Lak, Thailand, Feb 2013

  I have officially been blogging for 1 whole week and given that, I thought I'd share some of my thoughts about the whole thing.

When I started my blog 1 week ago, at 5.30am on a thursday morning I had no idea what I was doing. To be honest, I still don't. My aim was to create a blog that encouraged people to live a healthier lifestyle. I wanted to answer some of the more basic questions people have, right up to the more complex ones. With no idea how to do that and a laptop well, on my lap,  I began. I had no idea how much I would actually enjoy it! Having the freedom to write about food and nutrition subjects that interest me, that im curious about, its been so exciting. Its unbelievably liberating to say what I want to say, how I want to say it.

    The number of people visiting my blog has been the most exciting of all. With nothing to compare it to, I'm thrilled about the number of people who are seeing the message I'm trying to send. My only hope is that I'm giving you information that you want and need to improve your health. On that front, I'd love to hear from more of you. If you like anything you see or you want to know more about something I've written, write me a comment. The more people view my page the more responsibility I feel to put something decent up there!

I have also established a facebook page for a more real time discussion with whoever is interested. I put a few more posts on there, as well as different bits I come across relating to health and nutrition. You can find me and my lovely new facebook community at First Be Healthy.

As I go I've discovered a few things about how I want to convey the health message to the world.

1. I have to be true to my own beliefs and knowledge - I'm not comfortable publishing things I don't know about or don't believe to be true
2. I wont publish anything, a link, a reference, unless I've read it in full and agree with it all.
3. Certain post areas, such as motivation, seem to get alot less hits however I will continue to post on those subject areas because they are vital to health, and in my experience, they are the areas a lot of people struggle with. I personally love these areas, I'm a self help book junkie, and writing about them does me good!

I have always operated in this fashion, I'd just never consciously thought about it.

Finally I want to thank all my wonderful friends and family who have put the First Be Healthy word out whether via facebook or through other family and friends. You guys are great. Whether its been spreading the word or providing feedback and suggestions its very much appreciated. You're helping to make this blog better every day (well I hope so anyway!) Hope you're enjoying it.

Happy reading


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